Sunday, 6 November 2011

Showroom Lighting
lighting showroom
Selling lighting on a showroom floor can be an interesting experience. With so many styles and manufacturers, sometimes the best thing too do is simply let the customer look around until something catches their eye. If you have certain styles of fixtures that you wish to steer your customers towards, it can be difficult to do even on your best selling day.
One must realize on a typical showroom floor there could be literally hundreds of light fixtures on display. Many times when it comes to adding bulbs to these fixtures, the lowest wattage is used. This helps with the temperature of the showroom, and lowers energy costs. In this environment, there is a way for a salesperson to draw a customer to a specific fixture they wish to sell. It is as simple as changing a light bulb.
Bulbrite Industries carries a KX2000 series xenon light bulb that has an E26, or a standard screw in base. The same type of base you would find in a regular light bulb. This bulb ignites xenon gas and gives off a pure white light that closely resembles daylight. This bulb can replace a standard incandescent, halogen, or tubular light bulb because it does not generate the heat of halogen light bulbs. The standard based xenon light bulbs comes frosted or clear in 20, 40, and 60 watts. The lumens are higher when compared to a similar wattage in a standard light bulb.
To draw attention to a fixture on display, simply take out the standard light bulb and replace them with a xenon light bulb of a similar wattage. The difference is amazing. The lumens are slightly higher, but the light quality is what makes the difference. The white light given off by the xenon light bulb will distinguish the light fixture from the others that are in the same area. In my lighting experience, this is how we used to get people to not only buy a certain type of fixture, it would also give us the opportunity to tell the customer about the xenon light bulb, and make a secondary sale.
The bulbs also come in an E11, E12, and DC Bayonet base, so you can replace halogen bulbs with xenon, just be sure not to exceed the listed wattage for the fixture.


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